Monday, November 15, 2010

Final Prototype

My project idea is a ball that reacted to motion and impacts with sounds.  For the most part my project was successful when I began putting it together.  However, when  I put together the final product I ran into a few problems. I had 2 main problems, the first was the overall container that I decided to end up using, which was made of Styrofoam. I decided to use this particular material because of it’s availability, cost and how easy it was to carve out.  My main problem with this was that I ended up finding it  almost impossible to fit all of my components into the sphere. My second problem was that the button I decided to use stopped functioning once I assembled my product. I plan on continuing this project for my final, so I plan on trying to work these problems out. I plan on using plastic for the material for my final project and I plan on looking over both my code and my soldering.

Part of the code I used to make the button work I found at

The other part of my code and the general design of my project was from user dany32412 on

Monday, November 1, 2010

Prototype Project

I went to and I found more or less the main element of the project that I wanted to do by user dany32412. I used both Dany's code and hardware layout. Essentially, what Dany's project does is, using the Wii nunchuk's tilt sensor, allows the arduino to, when it senses the nunchuk tilt, it will make sound.

So, using Dany's instructible for the nunchuk and using Tiffpip79's tutorial on impact sensors I should be able to create an interactive ball, similar to my design below.

This is what my prototype looks like so far. The the main difference between this project and Dany's is that I have replaced the LEDs with speakers to produce sound instead of light.